Sunday, September 28, 2008

Great Weekend...

Well I have to tell you I did something I have never done before on Sat. night. I went to a barn dance with Callie, mommy & daddy (Matt was working). Some folks from our church hosted a barn dance, they had horses, a real live band, people wore cowboy (and cowgirl) hats and there was tons of people there. We feed the horses apples from their tree and they ate them up in one bite and the juice came out of their mouths. Callie and I kept laughing. Our buddy Ben was there from next door and so Callie and I took turns dancing with him. We all three did the Cotton Eyed Joe song together. I also danced with daddy and so did Callie. It got a bit late so we had to go after that. The today we went to our cousin Anna's house for her 2nd birthday. What a blast, we went and watched her open presents and then we went with Anna's grandpa Kenton to the park. If you every get the chance, they have a very nice park in Coggon Iowa! I would highly recommend it and I believe that Callie would too. It is cooling down and so are my allergies, I don't seem to be reacting as bad, but my face is still red. We put up holloween decorations today since I kind of look like a Jack-O-Lantern with my 2 missing teeth anyway. We keep meeting families everyday that have challenges with food allergies too! My words to them is keep up the good fight and as my daddy always says "Knowledge is POWER!"

Have a great week everyone and God Bless!

Monday, September 22, 2008

Another Tooth is history.....

Lynda lost another tooth this morning. This time from up top and on the opposite side of her mouth. Mom says she looks like a Jack-O-Lantern! Seems appropriate for the season I guess. We will have to see if the tooth fairy comes to visit tonight.

Have a great Monday all!

The Taylor's

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Trip to the Apple Orchard in Vinton

Callie went to the apple orchard in Vinton on Thursday for a class trip. Lynda remembered having so much fun that we decided to get up this morning and go pick some fresh apples. We had a blast and got some apple cider to bring home. I think most of it is gone already. Lynda and Callie also picked their own favorite apples and bought some dehydrated apples to munch on the way home. I think dad and mom ate most of them. Sounds like they will have some pears ready to pick in Nov so we will be heading back. We also are almost ready to pick the apples off our own tree in the back yard, can't wait for some apple crisp!

Have a great day!

The Taylor's

Video from Food Allergy Awareness Night

Hi all,

I have had a couple requests to share the video I made for the food allergy awareness night. Well here it is, I hope you enjoy! Lynda is doing great. Thanks for all the e-mails and keeping up with the Taylor's.


Saturday, September 13, 2008

Lynda Lost a Tooth

Well things have been going pretty well with the climate change. We have been trying really hard to keep ahead of the skin thing. School is going well for both the girls and Matt is keeping busy with school and work. This weekend mommy was on a retreat for the girls at church and Lynda lost a tooth! The tooth fairy gave her a dollar at grandma and grandpa's house last night. Hope all is well with everyone, remember your safe food rules as you tail gate and have football parties during the season. Also get ready for Trick or Treat for a cure! We will be asking for your support very soon.

Have a great weekend!

Lynda Dee & Family

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Labor day weekend

Well we had a rough weekend. Lynda is going through her semi annual break out session.  We are not sure what makes her break out in April and late Aug/Sept.  but she is really itchy right now.  They love being outside right now due to the weather being nice but we need to watch her close so we don't end up in the hospital.  Callie is enjoying pre-school and Lynda seems to like Kindergarten so far.  Matt has been keeping busy with work at Mc Donald's and being a senior.  Keep safe and keep cool as we transition into fall (and football!!).

The Taylor's