Well we made our annual trek to the Pumpkin Patch so that Matt, Callie and I could pick up our pumpkins! Callie and I both posed on the little IH tractor they had there. Dad thought the pictures were really cute. We took our time picking out pumpkins and talked with the animals. There were horses and donkeys, chickens, and cows that were eating pumpkins that were smashed in the yard. The weekend prior we went to Pumpkin Fest in Anamosa, IA and Matt climbed up a rock wall. He was way up there. We had fun both weekends. So much fun daddy forgot to post my messages. It is getting really pretty here in Iowa now, we have the leaves changing. We will try to get a nice picture of the color of the fall in Iowa. School is still fun and we have gone to a couple Stormin Pointer games. They have not won yet when we watched, but we had fun anyway. It was home coming and there was girls riding in corvettes. All I have for now. Have a great week.
Lynda Dee