Saturday, November 28, 2009

The great Christmas Tree Experiment

Well as you all know Lynda has many food allergies. She does not (according to our visit at National Jewish 2 + years ago) have environmental allergies. So we are going to try the great Christmas Tree Experiment! Lynda and Callie wanted a real tree this year for the holidays. So we went to our favorite local Christmas Tree farm (who also happens to be the place we pick blueberry's in the summer). So in the best tradition of Clark W Griswold we went out into the wilderness and acquired a tree. As only a manly dad can do I conquered the tree by cutting it down in nothing flat, hauled it to the family truckster and mounted it to the roof for the 20 mile journey home. Once we purchased the tree it was determined we now needed stuff for the tree since we have pre-lit artifical trees- so off to help the economy buy purchasing lights, bulbs (the glass ones the girls all broke last year) and a tree stand. So now that Thanksgiving has passed it is now officially the Christmas Season at the Taylor house. (not to mention at every store we were at today they wished me a Merry Christmas).

Have a great week.
The Taylor's :o)

Friday, November 27, 2009


Happy Thanksgiving all! Well it was an uneventful Thanksgiving. We were able to have breakfast with Grandma and Grandpa. The off to Grandpa John's and Grandma Diane's for Thanksgiving with the extended family. Today was not as great however. Lynda was diagnosed with bacterial pneumonia today so a few days without contact of her friends. Unfortunately she was supposed to have her birthday party with her cousins from out of town this evening. Lesson- take what comes at you one day at a time. We have a lot to be thankful for this year. Many blessings for the Taylor's. We are looking forward to a great 2010. I hope your family has had many blessings and more to come.

Enjoy Black Friday- what is left of it anyway.

Have a great week and a safe food day!

The Taylor's