I just received an e-mail from allergymoms.com. Iowa's senator Tom Harkin needs to hear from you regarding how food allergies impact the lives of Lynda, kids like her and her relatives and friends. So pick up a pen, use Word or draw a picture for those that can not yet write and let's see if we can help Senator Harkin's office get flooded with e-mails and paper. Here is an excerpt from their e-mail:
Help Fund the Cure in 5 minutes…
The Food Allergy Project (www.foodallergyproject.org) has gained the interest of Senator Tom Harkin (Chairman of the Senate Appropriations Committee) They need letters (LOTS of them) from real allergy kids, their parents, friends and family.
Our kids need us to take action!
Good: Handwrite or type a note to “Senator Tom Harkin” telling him how much food allergy affects your child’s life and how we need resources devoted to a cure. Anything along those lines –short or long—we’re looking for quantity.
Better: Add a separate drawing –anything your child makes about him/herself. You child can also write a letter in place of the drawing or in addition to it. (Those about food allergy are best but all children’s letters and drawings have an impact)
Best: Bring* us several drawings from siblings, cousins, neighbors and several letters (even quick notes) from grandparents, friends, teachers, family members.
PS If you cannot attend and would like to write to Senator Harkin, please mail your letters directly to: The Food Allergy Project, Inc.
Attn: Liliana Esposito
137 Fifth Avenue, 3rd floor
New York, NY 10010
They will to compile a huge binder of letters and children’s drawings (for more impact) to present to Senator Harkin.
Send me a quick e-mail if you send something, I want to coordinate with the folks out west who are meeting with Senator Harkin and let them know of our efforts as well.