Thursday, June 14, 2007

Silent Auction Items

This is a preliminary list of the items that have been generously donated for the silent auction.

2 Hannah Montana gift baskets
My brother Steven James Meyer is a writer for the “Hannah Montana” show, formally a writer for “Everybody Loves Raymond”. Each gift basket has an autographed script that he wrote, individual autographed cast photos, two child size tee shirts and cast pass card.

Portable gas BBQ, cooler on wheels, 2 camp chairs, camp equipment

Beijo “Over The Moon” handbag

Artwork by Donna Bassett

Movie gift basket

Donna Cook Grand Collection Figures

2 18 Speed 26 inch Dasani Bikes

Waves Advance Ultrasound gift basket

Shrek gift basket

Donkey gift basket

Painted Bird houses

Bunk bed white metal frame

Ruby Tuesday gift card $25.00 value

Pizza Hut Large Specialty Pizza

Coldstone 2 free regular size ice cream creations

Family Video gift card $5.00 value

Starbuck’s gift card $10.00 value

And for you Hawkeye Fans there will be some special items for bid. Come to the silent auction to see what is available.

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