Tonight was the season finale of the Celebrity Apprentice. Unfortunately Trace did not win, but he did make parents and family members of kids with food allergies proud. He brought this important issue to the forefront of national attention. If you missed the great video talking about FAAN last night check it out here. It sounded like things I have said or Laurie has said a million times. It also gives us hope that we should not give up this fight. Trace is also donating all the proceed of the iTunes downloads of his #1 country hit You're Gonna Miss This to FAAN, so if you are a country music FAAN (pun on purpose) then please consider downloading this track and supporting kids with food allergies. Even if you are not, download it as a gift to someone else. Laurie and I are supporting a move to get Sabrina's Law passed in Iowa, we are going to need a lot of help and support. I am warning you now I am going to be asking for letters and calls to our leaders and I may be looking for help to raise money as we have a couple kids here in Iowa that need help with their trip to National Jewish. Does anyone know Donald Trump, I would like to ask him for a couple donations.....
Have a great Friday-
Pray it Forward :)
All our love,
The Taylor's
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