I hope you all had a great 4th! We were able to get up early on Friday morning and head to Independence Iowa for their parade (with a name like that how can it not be totally awesome!). We had a blast, the parade was over an hour long and they had fire trucks, squirt gun fights, water balloons and cool stuff to have. Callie got a lot of candy, I got a Pioneer hat, UNI t-shirt and a 4H t-shirt. Callie & I got necklaces too! Then we went to the riverside park and had lunch. Matt had a pulled pork sandwich with hot bbq sauce and Callie and I went to the kids fun zone. We did not stay too long cause Matt had to get back to work. All in all really fun time. Then that night we went to grandma & grandpa meyer's house. They live really close to where the fire works are shot off and we got to fall asleep in our bed there, got woke up for the fire works (which were awesome) and then crash back again. We also spent time in the afternoon swimming in their pool where they live. Callie and I both jumped off the side into daddy and mommy's arms. We also both went under the water. I can't wait to go back. Mom was sick most of the weekend with the flood flu so we got to spend a bunch of time with Dad! Hope all is well. God bless and pray for all the kids with food allergies.
Lynda Dee
PS don't forget allergy night at the ball park for the CR Kernels July 29th!
I read about the Food Allergy Awareness event at the Kernels game tomorrow! Hurray! My children have food allergies and are looking forward to safely attending a game! Thanks for working with the Kernels to make this possible.
Will Lynda be going to Kindergarten soon? What will the school be doing to protect her?
Lynda will be attending the event at the Kernels tomorrow night.
Lynda will be in kindergarten. She attended preschool at the elementary school last year so the staff is prepared for her to return.
I created a poster board that hung on the wall in her class room last year. This poster board had her picuture on it and it lists all of the foods that she is allergic to and it lists all of the foods that are safe for her. It also provided a list of what allergic reaction symptoms to look for.
She carries a backpack everwhere that has her two Epi-pens, Benadryl, Inhailer, and skin loition to keep her skin moisturized throughout the day.
When students arrived to school last year the teacher had everyone wash their hands as they came into the room. That way if they had something for breakfast that she was allergic to those proteins were washed away.
She wears gloves out on the playground when it is time for recess. There just isn't enough time for everyone to wash their hands before going outside.
There are signes posted inside and outside of her class room stating No peanuts or Treenuts allowed.
We have allergy action plans on file for every food that she is allergic to. We have done trainings with the school staff and will continue to work closly again with them this year.
For lunch she will be bringing a sack lunch everyday. It will be placed in a special refrigerator. She will sit at the end of a table and the first seats on both sides of her will be left empty. Kind of creating a safe zone.
I hope to see you at the game, we will be handing out pencils and bracelets bringing awareness to food allergies.
What will the school be doing about field trips? Will Lynda be going on them?
Lynda does attend field trips. For example last year they went to an apple farm. Her teacher called the apple farm to see if there were any of her allgerens present. Lynda is allergic to dogs and cats. The farm put the animals in the house or barn so she would be safe.
She carries her medicine back pack with her. They sent along an additional teacher to walk along with Lynda to make sure she that if she did have an allergic reaction she will get medical treatment. They carry a cell phone with them so they have the abiltiy to call 911 or to call me.
The school should be working with you in regards to lesson plans that include food or any other allergen that could effect your child.
I hope this helped.
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