Yesterday we had a 6th birthday party for on Lynda Dee! Wow it has been a long 6 years and flown by all at the same time. Lynda got the modern day Baby Alive that now "Pees and Poops", joy at the Taylor house. We got a great surprise with our friend Jack coming over. Lynda's cousins, grandparents and god parents all were in attendance. The pictures are of Callie with her cousin Anna and Lynda opening her Baby Alive. This morning we were blessed with our first dirty diaper, boy was that a celebration by the young women in the house. Lynda also lost her second top front tooth, so for Christmas she not only wants her two front teeth, but her 3 front teeth. Laurie goes in for knee surgery tomorrow we are hoping she will be in and out tomorrow. Hope all is going well for you today! God Bless
The Taylor's
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