Today at 9:30 Lynda had skin allergy testing done. This is where the placed 17 dots on her back with a marker then next to each dot they scratched her skin with a little plastic stick that had a curved needle on it. This little stick was sitting in a little well that had the liquid form of chicken, beef, pork, turkey, etc. Then we sit and wait for 20 minutes to see if her skin would develop a welt.
A welt formed on beef, pork, wheat, peanut, turkey, tuna
A welt did not form on corn, soy, oats, white potato, shellfish, string beans, chicken
After that test was done, we had two food challenges the first one was for corn. Lynda looked, smelled and picked at the corn for quite some time. She did eat some. Tomorrow they are going to have corn baked or cooked into something so she will get more of it.
The second food was oats. Lynda looked and smelled and picked at the oatmeal too. She put some in her mouth and spit it back out. "This is yucky." We sprinkled sugar on it, no go. We even put apple juice on it, no go. I asked for uncooked oats to be brought in to see if she would eat them that way and sure enough she ate some. She then spilled some on the bed and pretended to be a dog at ate it that way. Sean and I were laughing at how silly she was being.
Tomorrow we have more skin testing at 9:30 and food challenges. We know that white potato will be one of them. They are going to bring up a mashed potato and a baked potato so we have options for her taste buds.
We are down to two baths a day with wet wraps for two hours after the bath.
We found a stored called Wild Oats, it is like New Pioneer CO-OP that is down in Coralville. We found blueberry juice, carrot juice, and blueberry jelly all that are safe for Lynda. Lynda just opened her carrot juice and she said now I can have my "mocha". Her grandma always drinks mocha coffee.
Well it is getting late and we still have a bath and wet wraps to get done.
God bless
1 comment:
Sean & Laurie, This must be very exhausting for your family but It's probably a blessing at the same time! I hope you come home with a new understanding of what Lynda is able to endure. I'll keep your family in my prayers!! Don't forget to have some fun while you're there. If I know Sean, that shouldn't be too difficult!! :-) Julie Schmitt
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