I had my second round of skin test today. We tested for environmental allergens from Iowa. Most of the outside stuff came back negative, but my Milk, Egg, dust mites, dog (really allergic) came back bad. So no new pouch for me. We continued food challenges today and we had corn chips and potato chips! Mom and dad had no idea they were sending me here to eat junk food, but I really like it. We have extra duty tomorrow with more food challenges. We are doing a vegetable medley and a fruit cocktail to eliminate several veggies and fruits of the same families. We downgraded my steroids and also I am down to 2 baths a day and only special lotion on my arms and legs.
We also went to a store called Whole Foods, it is much like Wild Oats and we got some corn chips and dried fruit for me. Hope you enjoy the pictures, one of my skin test and 2 of me eating junk food (yeah:) )
All my love,
Lynda Dee
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