Lynda's skin has decided to flare we have been wet wrapping every night. Today she went to school in wet wraps. She was not very excited about this at all. Her face is our biggest concern, it is red and it is swollen. We do wet wrap her face at night. We will most likely have to start wet wrapping her face during the day.
Last night brought back many memories that I hoped I would never have to live again. Lynda did not want to get into the bath tub, because she knew that the water would burn her skin. She was crying and and screaming no mommy it will burn, then she started frantically scratching her legs, arms, and stomach.
When someone has eczema there are many little cuts and scraps that we can see and many that we can not see. The water will get into those openings and it will burn or sting.
I remembered that Beth Ann at National Jewish gave Lynda a squirt bottle and said you can squirt me with one hand, while I hold the other hand. That way Lynda would not be able to scratch at her skin and cause any more damage, and it would allow her to calm down and let the water heal her skin.
After our 20 minute bath, it was time to get
lotioned up and wet wraps on. Then to the rocking chair we go to sing songs, wrapped in a warm blanket from the dryer.
She fell asleep and did not wake until morning.
I hope and pray that this latest flare will pass quickly. Our biggest fear is that she will pick up a skin infection while at school or daycare. We love our friends at the hospital but we do not want to see them anytime soon.
If you are living with someone or know someone who has eczema remember that we must provide them compassion because they must take one day at a time, and sometimes we must take every hour or every minute at a time we just can't control what our bodies are going to do when it comes in contact with a eczema trigger.