Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Gage's Benefit is finally Scheduled! Horay!

Hello All,

The benefit for Gage is set! Please see the flier posted here. We will be taking donations for the silent auction and donations on behalf of Gage here in Eastern Iowa and get them down for the benefit. If you or you business can help us get Gage there, please prayerfully consider whatever you can do. Gage's mom does not have the benefit of insurance like we did, so this bill will be HUGE! Help how you can.

Let me know if you have questions.

Monday, April 27, 2009

Allergic Reaction Day Three

Lynda is doing much better the redness is almost gone and the swelling is starting to come down. We did not have to seek medical attention this time. The only thing I can think of that would have brought on this reaction is that she slept with the wrong pillow. The pillow she got a hold of did not have the dust mite protective zipper cover. That pillow has since been removed from our home.

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Allergic Reaction day two

Her face is still swollen and red. No other part of her body is being affected at this time. She is not having any breathing problems. Spoke with the doctor on call this morning and we are going to wait another day and see if she can turn the corner her at home. If she is still bad on Monday we will go to the doctor.
We are wet wrapping and giving Benadryl every 4 hours.

If any of the Mercy Hospital nurses are reading this we may be coming to see you soon.

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Allergic Reaction to something....

We went through our normal bedtime routine of bath, lotion, brush teeth, singular. This morning when Lynda came into the living room I was shocked. Her face was swollen and red. I am talking very bright deep red. So we washed her face off, gave her some Benadryl and then put on her steroid cream and wet wrapped her face for two hours.

Two hours later her face is still swollen and red. She is playing right now with her sister. We will be doing another two hour wet wrap session in a little bit. I hope we we can fight this off here at home.

I will post a picture of her later.

Earlier this week we have been fighting an eczema flare on both of her arms. That has seemed to calm down now.

I found a Lynda safe play clay recipe that I am going to share with you. We made this today and both girls are having fun! We will be making a batch to take to school since she can not play with Play Dough. If she does play with it she has to wear latex free gloves. That isn't as much fun as getting your hands in there.

1/2 cup Rice Flour
1/2 cup Corn Starch
1/2 cup Salt
2 teaspoon Cream of Tarter
1 cup Water
1 teaspoon Cooking Oil
1 teaspoon Food Coloring

Combine all ingredients in a pot and cook over low heat until it forms a ball. When cool enough to touch, pat gently until smooth. When completely cool,store in an airtight container.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

2nd Annual Allergy Free Game in CR

Hello everyone,

Well the night is finally here! We have our big game at Kernel's stadium tonight and we will have the table like last year with great info on food allergies. Lynda will be in attendance so come see us and learn more about this affliction. KNOWLEDGE IS POWER! We will have picutures and an update after the game. You still have time to go to the game and purchase a ticket.

"Take me out to the ball game....... give me no peanuts or cracker jacks.."

see you there!

The Taylor's

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Gage's Video-

Hello all,

Our friend Gage who lives in Ottumwa also has severe food allergies and is desperately trying to get to National Jewish as well. He has heard about what it has done for Lynda and Jesse and would really like to go. Here is a link to Gage's Video:

Click Here!


Have a safe weekend all. Laurie & I are celebrating our 12th Anniversary this weekend. Can you believe she has put up with me that long.


Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Easter is coming- scary time for food allergies

Well it is that time of the year again. Easter is coming and it is the worst time for someone with food allergies. Keeping a food allergic child safe this time of year is tough. In fact the last 2 years running Lynda has ended up in the hospital after Easter due to a reaction. Our goal this year is to keep her out of the hospital so we are being extra careful. Not attending some church celebrations, heading over to families houses for a few minutes vs the entire celebration.

Here are some ways to keep your food allergic child safe during this holiday:

1) Have your child wear gloves- most children do not wash their hands after eating candy (adults either)
2) Have your events not center around food and candy- give away trinkets, play games etc.
3) Minimize exposure- know the environments you are walking into
4) Expect that everywhere you go will be dangerous

I hope these tips help and keep you safe for the Holiday-
Remember to mark your calendars for April 21st for the 2nd Annual Food Allergy Awareness Night at the Ballpark! Kernels Stadium- Cedar Rapids, IA

Have a great holiday week.

The Taylor's