Thursday, September 30, 2010

It is sad that this is becoming so prevelant we have seen 2 different articles in a week

Two different articles in one week and both in the national media dealing with bullying and food allergies.  If your child has food allergies- talk with them about bullying and make sure it is not happening to them.  The latest article is found at - I have a copy of the article HERE for you to read.

Bullying is not ok for any reason- but this is life threatending to our kids- Knowledge is power- keep this information in front of your schools, daycare providers and family so everyone takes it seriously.  Losing one child to ignorance is too many.

The Taylor's

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Bullying and Food Allergies

Thanks to all our friends that send us these articles. I can tell you kids with food allergies that show reactions on their skin etc are already self conscious about their situation. Lynda sure is and we and the school work very hard to make sure she is safe and feels good about who she is. It breaks my heart to see articles like this and they happen all the time. I get questions about how we deal with this all the time.

The Article is on or you can read it HERE.

Kids can be mean and it cuts deeper when kids are different, I don't care if they have food allergies, down syndrome, speech impediment we need to make sure our kids are safe from bullying.

Knowledge is Power and understanding, kindness and Love are needed.

The Taylor's

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Kids Living with Food Allergies

This video pretty much says it all- Thanks to my friends at Team CDO and the Food Allergy Initiative.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Eczema Flare

Well since school has started a little over one month ago we have been battling an eczema flare. This weekend we bathed Lynda three times a day and she was wet wrapped the whole time. Benadryl every 4 hours and we put her back on Zyrtec.  This disease is very frustrating.